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Veteran Information

Information Central for Marine Vets and Their Families
Click on the following link for constant updates on Veteran's affairs
Northeast Division Website's Vets Info

11 April, 2003:

The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), has announced an improved method of requesting documents from the NPRC. As you know, the NPRC provides copies of documents from military personnel records to authorized requesters. Their new web-based application will provide better service on these requests by eliminating their mailroom processing time. Also because the requester will be asked to supply all information essential for NPRC to process the request, delays that normally occur when NPRC has to ask veterans for additional information will be minimized. You may access this application by clicking on:


Additionally, this improved on-line request process should be used INSTEAD OF Standard Form 180 from veterans or the veteran's next of kin.)
1 April, 2003:
Federal Benefits booklet online:
A great source of information from the Department of Veterans Affairs for Veterans and Dependents. You now have access to both the National and New England site.

The VA National Website

The VA New England Healthcare System
On this page, Marine Vets and their families will find information and links to benefits regarding health, burial, awards, records, and other items that they have earned as military veterans.
The links will take you to all the information you will need in regards to benefits that you and your family are entitled to from the Department of Veterans Affairs:
Department of Veterans Affairs Homepage
(central point for all VA benefits)
Department of Veterans Affairs Health Services page.
(explains all Va health benefits)
Department of Veterans Affairs Health Benefits Application Form
(in printable .pdf format)
Department of Veterans Affairs Burial & Memorial benefits.
(information on burial & memorial benefits)
The links will allow Veterans to request their service records, update their awards, or obtain medals they have earned:
Application for Correction of Military Records (DD 149)
(in printable .pdf format)
Request Pertaining to Military Records - Front page (SF 180)
(Document requesting a replacement DD-214, or Service Records)
(in printable .pdf format)
Request Pertaining to Military Records - Back page (SF 180)
(Document requesting a replacement DD-214, or Service Records)
(in printable .pdf format)
The links are to "Fact Sheets" on Federal Benefits for Veterans.
Education Benefits (in printable .pdf format)
Life Insurance Benefits (in printable .pdf format)
Home Benefits (in printable .pdf format)
Disability Compensation and Pension Benefits (in printable .pdf format)
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Benefits (in printable .pdf format)
Health Care Benefits (in printable .pdf format)
Family and Survivor Benefits (in printable .pdf format)
Burial Benefits (in printable .pdf format)
Other Federal and State Benefits (in printable .pdf format)
Eligibility and Discharge (in printable .pdf format)
Veterans' Service Organizations (VSOs) (in printable .pdf format)
Who to Contact (in printable .pdf format)
This page will be updated as we research more sources, check back periodically.
--------------------------------------------"Once a Marine, Always a Marine"

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